At you can find tens of thousands of products for sale, you dont need capital to become a Dropship COD Reseller, the HOW TO SELL ITEMS is VERY SIMPLE.Benefits of Selling ProductsMany vacancies to become a COD Dropship Reseller. So why should you become a reseller? Lets check what benefits you will get on Paid.inAUTOMATIC SYSTEMNo need to worry about chasing customers to pay No need to worry about packaging goods No need to worry about having to deliver goods to the expeditionCOD SYSTEMAll items on can be purchased by your customers with the COD system, so your sales will definitely be more in demand, because your customers who dont have accounts can still shop onlineProducts on are easy to sell, Why? Because the products are unique Because the products are useful There are thousands of types of products that you can sell So you dont have to be afraid to compete with other COD Dropship Resellers